Wylde Blogs
The Medical Profession and CBD
In this issue we wanted to explore why, if the benefits derived from CBD oils are becoming ever more widely recognised, we don't see more support for CBD consumption from the medical profession.
Many people we speak to (before becoming customers), even if already clear on CBD’s benefits, were unsure where to buy CBD products and wonder why it is not endorsed by some General Practioners (GPs). And that's understandable when, if researching CBD online, you get a plethora of businesses offering their products, ranging from cottage industry ‘kitchen lab’ enthusiasts, to professional, passionate advocates sure of the future for CBD.
Add to the mix that informed guidance on CBD as a therapy, dosage guidelines and benefits to expect, can be difficult to find, and it's not surprising it can be confusing to figure out where to buy and how to consume CBD. An issue only compounded when you want guidance for specific conditions.
For an industry, still nascent in the UK, regulation of CBD products has a long way to go, but in its current form at least, doesn't allow for any specific medical claims to be made. This is a sensible approach, and why, as advice is clearly still needed, we launched our online community forum, a place where you receive (and of course give) advice on CBD use.
Whilst we hope for comprehensive UK regulation, it isn't surprising that in the absence of it, guidance offered to GP's and medical professionals has not been forthcoming and would help at least to explain why there is reluctance on their part to comment on the efficacy of cannabinoids. It is worth recognising that there are some exceptions, 'big pharma' products on the NHS Drug Tariff such as Sativex, but true to the Pharmaceutical business model, these are niche and costly products offered under exclusive licence of the Pharmaceutical company. More generally speaking, Big Pharma aren't interested in selling natural (difficult to exclusively license) therapies that you could in theory make yourself.
For us, the absence of enough UK regulation, meant we looked to the more mature US CBD market for 3rd party products and the ingredients used in the CBDandYou product range. This is because American States were convinced of the benefits of cannabinoids going back as early as the 1990's, when State laws were changed and the industry became professional. The US CBD industry is as a result thriving, as well as being years ahead both in terms of regulation and overall product quality.
So, as of right now, the medical professional in the UK isn't focused on cannabinoids unless compelled to do so by exception, as happened recently with the intervention of our Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, for Billy Caldwell. As a result, even though we advise our customers to seek guidance from their GP, we do so knowing that some GP's simply are not ready for that discussion.
We also advise that should you decide to try CBD, start with low doses and keep a daily diary over the subsequent weeks measuring results realised at specific dosages. Consider improvements to mood (e.g. levels of anxiety), as well as quality of sleep and if relevant, condition management. It’s important to know, that whilst we all have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS), we can differ in how quickly CBD encourages that system’s health.
Thanks for reading, we welcome suggestions for future newsletter topics and of course, be well!💚
Adam - CBDandYou Team